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    “We appreciate your patience. All lines are still in use. Please stay on the line, and your call will be answered in the order it was placed.”

    As Winston Churchill said “If you’re going through hell, keep going! And, listening to bad music on a speaker phone line for 40 minutes is certainly mini-hell.

    Life is filled with obstacles, but how you deal with them makes a difference. Yes, I was annoyed, but after shouting obscenities at my landline such as, “If you were a Smart Phone you wouldn’t do this to me!” I realized that I was accomplishing nothing. I needed to calm down.I needed to; “Be like a duck. Be calm on the surface, and paddle like hell underneath.”

    So, instead of hitting my head against the wall, I adjusted my attitude, hung up the receiver, and dialed the number again.  Miracle of miracles, lickity split I was connected immediately, and a nice live person answered my question.

    Overcoming challenges is something everyone must deal with. Life is filled with bumps, and I was told that, “How you deal with them allows you to grow.” I don’t think he meant grey hair.
    Victor Borge said, “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” Not much comfort in that!

    How many times have I said to myself, “This is impossible! I just can’t do it!” But when I haven’t given up, sometimes, I muddle through and say, “I did it!” “It wasn’t really that bad after all.”

    Dolly Parton said it best; “A peacock that rests on his tail feathers is just another turkey!”

    At those times no matter how hard life seems, keep on keeping on, and always “give 100% unless you are giving blood.”  (Bill Murray)

    Esther Blumenfeld

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